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Update hardware and software information every day to maintain an accurate environment without the hassle of management tasks.

Automatically collect IT asset information and always see accurate information. Also, retain change histories and notify administrators by e-mail. It is possible to import an existing log or export the logs in each generation.

Asset Management




Autonomous Elimination
Against Information Leakage

Operations Log Management

By managing PC operations logs, it is possible to improve security and find problems in emergencies, without reducing operational efficiency.

PC usage information, such as apps running, printing, file operations, screen views (window title) is recorded. If there is any operational violation, a warning is displayed to the user, promoting improved security and morality. Also, administrators are notified in real time, making it possible to prevent potential serious problems.

Web Access Management

Monitor web site use, and limit access to illicit sites. It is possible keep a record of web sites accessed and control access to specific web sites or categories of web sites. Promote use of appropriate web sites by users, and avoid access to harmful sites.

Device Control


Control use of devices such as USBs and CDs, and prevent the leaking of important secret information.

Manage all company devices and limit their use. If a prohibited device is connected, the user is notified that it is prohibited and illicit use is controlled. Also, allow device use in limited situations through setting detailed conditions by PC and device to adapt to the workplace.


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